Cochisa European Core-Chip for Space Applications | Our partners
Neways Advanced Microsystems
Neways Advanced Microsystems is an innovative package and assembly solutions and manufacturing house for MEMS and sensor systems that bridges the gap between the sensor system and the application.
Neways Advanced Microsystems is a world class competence center offering development and manufacturing of functional semiconductor solutions for MEMS and sensor systems. From design, package development and prototyping, industrialization up to volume manufacturing, Neways Advanced Microsystems works with the customer to carry out a product which fits to the desired mission profile.
Capsulate functional packaging is achieved with a high versatile and compatibility with Neways Advanced Microsystems’s other technologies from exposed die molding to multi-die-packaging, among many others. Freeform encapsulate packaging is giving the opportunity to shape the product to the exact requirements of the application. Embedded mechanical systems in electronics using Capsulate offer a real practical solution for system cahllenges like improved alignment, mount- and sealing-features, increased measurement accuracy and improved thermal contact.